Recovery isn’t just about getting sober, it’s about becoming the person you were meant to be.


Recovery, Passion, Community.


Services & Programs

Our sober living is designed for long-term recovery, with individuals expected to live here for at least nine months. During that time, clients will be introduced to recovery principles, 12-step meetings, experiential therapy, and more. It is our duty to help every client establish a solid foundation for their sobriety and future.


Long-term Recovery

We believe that individuals can increase their chances of staying sober by being in a sober environment for as long as possible. Our long-term sober living program is the key to a healthy foundation and sober network.


Family Care

Addiction is a family disease, which is why we work with families to help them see their sons reclaim their lives. Our program incorporates weekly family updates (How? In-person? Zoom?), therapist referrals for families, and public resources such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon.


Life Skills and Management

A sober life means living life on life’s terms, so we teach life skills as part of our program. From our daily structure to financial literacy, it is our goal to instill a core set of skills that create self-reliance.


We are dedicated to helping individuals on their unique journey to recovery. With more than 14 years of sobriety and 13 years working in treatment, we understand that recovery is more than just quitting drugs and alcohol. It is a lifelong journey, one day at a time, that requires daily habits, community, and hard work.